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Kawaii Onigiri Pictures, Images and Photos
Thursday, February 18, 2010 Y 10:31 PM

Dear Blog,

Today, I visited the human world and had lots of fun at what they call an Amusement Park. Even though it was real fun, I still missed my home and each part of the Amusement Park just reminded me of the various parts of my home.

While walking towards the Amusement Park, I saw the Fence surrounding it. It resembled that of the Cell Wall, providing the shape and structural support to my home, the Plant Cell. The Fence outlines the shape of the Amusement Park, thus in a way, giving the Amusement Park its shape. However, the Cell Wall is a fully permeable membrane which allows all substances to pass through into the Plant Cell, however, the Fences surrounding the Amusement Park is actually a barrier, not allowing anyone to pass through it into the Amusement Park.

To enter the Amusement Park, I had to buy tickets and go through the Ticketing Entrance with my tickets with me. In this manner, it felt very similar to the Cell Membrane, which only allows certain substances to pass through, into the Plant Cell, while this Ticketing Entrance, only allows those who have the tickets, thus certain people, to pass through into the Amusement Park. However, the Cell Membrane surrounds the whole cell, while the Ticketing Entrance is only located at a single site of the outline of the Amusement Park.

Once I stepped into the Amusement Park, I saw many Road Paths, and some even intersects each other, forming what seemed to be a network. This reminded me of the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, where it consists of tubules and vesicles that branch forming a network. The similarity of having a network made me linked the two places together, but the fact that the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum produces lipids and steroids, while the Road Paths are not able to produce anything, told them apart immediately.

I took a breath of fresh air, and all I smelled was food. I looked down the Road Paths and I saw Food Stalls. Hungered by the delicious smell, I went to get some hotdog from the nearest Food Stall. As I waited and watched my hotdog being made, I realised that these Food Stalls are similar to the Ribosomes in the Plant Cell, as Ribosomes produces proteins, while Food Stalls produces food. However, Ribosomes would never be attached onto Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, or they would not be smooth would they? Ribosomes are only attached onto Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum, but these Food Stalls are found near the Road Paths, which I relate to as Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, thus the relationships between the respective Plant Cell organelles and parts of the Amusement Park do not match.

After finishing my food, being a considerate creature as I am, I went to find a place where I could deposit the waste, and I found the Trash Bin. It has a very similar function as Lysosomes in Plant Cell, where lysosomes would digest excess or worn-out organelles, food particles and engulf viruses or bacteria, which are all unwanted materials, as compared to Trash Bins, where unwanted waste are thrown in. However, Lysosomes break down the materials, but Trash Bins only contains to unwanted materials, not doing anything to them.

Realising that I had wasted too much time on food and none on my real purpose of coming to an Amusement Park, which was to ride on thrilling rides, I decided that I had to have my fill of fun. However, I had to get a map of the Amusement Park to ensure that I would not get lost, thus proceeding to the Information Booth. Thinking about it, the Information Booth is actually very similar to that of the Nucleus in a Plant Cell. The Nucleus contains all the information of the cell such as the genetic material inside it, while the Information Booth contains all the information of the Amusement Park such as the map, opening and closing ours, etc.. However the Nucleus protects the Plant Cell’s DNA and forms ribosomes, but in comparison to that of the Amusement Park, the Information Centre could not possibly created the Food Stalls from the inside of it, and does not protect anything at all.

With a map in hand and the names of the different rides, I set my mind on the most exciting sounding ride, the Sky Scraper! Expected, the queue was long, but it was probably worth it. At least, that was until I thought found something more interesting than that, finding the head of the power of supply. The black line of extension just drew me in, and who knew how far it would go? I followed it the Power Plug, and saw many other Power Plugs around the area, supplying electricity for all the rides in the Amusement Park. It then reminded me of Mitochondria in Plant Cells. They are sites of aerobic respiration, responsible for production of energy for the Plant Cell, while Power Plugs produces electricity for the usage of electrical appliances. But there is a distinct shape difference between the two, where Mitochondria are rod-shaped, while Power Plugs are square-shaped.

With the mini adventure ending, I felt hungry, and decided it was time to eat, again! I went to the Restaurant, sat down and ordered some fish and chips. Looking around, I saw waiters serving dishes to the other customers, and I realised its similarity towards Vacuole from the Plant Cell. The Vacuole contains fluid which is a solution of mineral salts, sugar, oxygen, carbon dioxide, pigments, enzymes and other organic compounds for the Plant Cell, while the Restaurant produces food and drinks for the Amusement Park. However, while the Vacuole provides turgor pressure of the cell contents against the Cell Wall, allowing the plant to be turgid, The Restaurant only acts as a site for eating and resting, and does not have any impact to the Fences, linked to the Cell Wall and the firmness of the Amusement Park, linked to the Plant Cell.

The sky was turning red, and the time was already evening. Most people had already left, so I decided to take one last ride before I go. The Ferris Wheel. As I queued for up, I saw the board which contains information about it, being the only solar-powered Ferris Wheel in the world, thus powered by Solar Panels. This reminded my of the Chloroplasts from the Plant Cell, where it converts light energy from the sun, into chemical energy through a process called photosynthesis for the plants to obtain energy, while Solar Panels converts solar energy, from the sun, into electrical energy to power the Amusement Park. However, the Chloroplasts contain a green pigment which makes them green in colour, while Solar Panels are black in colour as that is the best conductor of heat, thus able to absorb heat effectively.

To remember this memorable trip to the Amusement Park better, with more concrete evidence, I decided to make a trip to the Gift Shop and get a few souvenirs. As I held the bag containing t-shirts printing different rides on it, I realised that the Gift Shop, is in fact similar to the Golgi Apparatus of the Plant Cell. The Golgi Apparatus ensures that the proteins made from the endoplasmic reticulum are ready for transport in its golgi vesicles, while a Gift Shop ensures that its products are ready to be sold, thus in a way, transported our, in bags branded its name. However, the Golgi Apparatus are also used to make Lysosomes, while the Gift Shop, in relation to the Trash Bins, which are similar to Lysosomes, do not actually make the Trash Bins. Thus, the relationships between the Plant Cell organelles and those of the parts of the Amusement Park do not match.

I had so much fun playing at the Amusement Park, eating, stalking, watching, and connecting each part of the Amusement Park to that of my home, the Plant Cell. I feel so happy having fulfilled my purpose of coming here…wait, did I?


Y 8:28 PM




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-From the Plant world
-Allowed to visit the Human world for a day :D